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Noriko Nakano(中野徳子)Composer,Musician,Producer of music projects





卒業後、四家卯大ストリングスのメンバーとしてMr.Children、Salyu、ONE OK ROCK等の録音や公演に参加。クラシック、ポップスの現場で演奏家として研鑽を積みながら、並行してアレンジメントや作曲を始める。

2009年、自作曲を演奏する場を作るため、ROSCO MOTION ORCHESTRAを発足。同世代のプロミュージシャン達の協力を得てクラシックを基軸とした叙情的な音楽を創作し発表している。

手がけた楽曲は過去にBottega Venetaやピエールエルメ、HANAE MORI、docomoなどのWEB CMやイベントに使用された。

2021年 第78回ヴェネチア国際映画祭オリゾンティ短編部門にノミネートされた山下つぼみ監督の短編映画「かの山」では音楽を担当した。

Born in Tokyo, Japan. Graduated from Toho Gakuen School of Music, and completed the graduate course at the same university.

I started playing the piano at the age of four. In the fall of my first year of elementary school, I transferred to the elementary school attached to Kunitachi College of Music. Since then, I have continued on to junior high school and high school, majoring in piano. I spent my school life focusing on classical music.

When I was in high school, I joined the Junior Philharmonic Orchestra, The conductor and composer "Naozumi Yamamoto"taught me the basics of ensemble and orchestration.

At the same time, I met double bassist Hiroshi Ikematsu and decided to switch from piano to double bass.

In 1999, I enrolled in Toho Gakuen School of Music as a double bass major, and since then I have been a member of the Shika Udai Strings, participating in recordings and performances by Mr. Children, Salyu, ONE OK ROCK, and others. While studying as a performer in the field of classical and pop music, I started to arrange and compose music at the same time.

In 2009, I launched the ROSCO MOTION ORCHESTRA to create a venue for performing my own compositions. With the help of other professional musicians of my generation, I have created a lot of lyrical music based on classical music and have been giving concerts.

My music has been used in the past for WEB commercials and events for Bottega Veneta, Pierre Hermé, HANAE MORI, docomo,etc.

2021, I created music for the short film "Kanoyama" by Momi Yamashita, which was nominated for the Orizzonti Short Film Competition at the 78th Venice International Film Festival.


Photo: Sayuri Yano

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